Richard stays in Hampden over the winter break, and stays in a warehouse, catching pneumonia. Henry finds him and take Richard to hospital after Returning early from spending the winter break in Rome with Bunny. Henry tells Richard about the Baccahanal. Yet, if you think that is bad, 'wait until you hear about Italy!’

I wanted to start the second episode with Richard on his own, in a low place and so is a different tone to the end of the previous episode.Yet it is also early enough in the series to have a change in feeling and to have some difference before the main bulk of the narrative begins to give some differentiation.
Henry picks Richard up from the hospital and on the drive to the country house, Henry confesses that the rest of the group have been attempting Bacchanals. In episode 1 we’ve establised that five students are separate from the rest of the college, are quite bizarre and have a deep interest in the classics to make sure Henry’s confession is believable.
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